Popular Articles

  1. EP. 9 – Modify an Order

    Learn the basics of modifying existing orders, including editing the contents, associated charges and billing details of a customer’s order.
  2. EP. 12 – How to Create a Coupon

    The Control Panel platform helps you promote certain products seen in your dealership. In this article, we’ll cover the steps you’ll need to follow to create a coupon in SimplePart’s Control Panel platform.
  3. Your Guide to: Managing Your Online Parts Counter

    You've got a busy workday--we get it. But there are easy ways to integrate processing your online orders into your daily schedule. It's no harder than processing a wholesale order over fax!
  4. How to Edit the Checkout Screen

    The VIN message notifies customers during their checkout process to provide the VIN Number for their vehicle, in order to ensure the accuracy of their order. For this reason, the VIN message is an important aspect of your Cart Page.  To make change...
  5. Setting up Gmail Account

    Correspondence is an important part of e-commerce, which makes it even more important to have a backup Gmail email address. Once you create a Gmail Account, we can link it to your client file, and/or any Google Adwords and Bing AdCenter Accounts we ...
  6. Stripe - How to Apply

    SimplePart is proud to announce that we’ve partnered with a new payment processing partner, Stripe! With this new partnership, you now have another robust payment processing option available to use to collect payments on your SimplePart website. Kee...
  7. Shipping/Tax Rates & Pickup

    When your new parts website goes Live, shipping rates should already be implemented. These are determined on the parts total of your customer's basket. If there are any items (ex: rotors, body panels) with fixed shipping costs assigned to them, then...
  8. How to Respond to Data Requests

    Consumers will likely reach out to you with requests concerning their CCPA rights . Below is an explanation of what you should do with the tools that SimplePart has provided in order to promptly and accurately respond. Keep in mind that you wil...
  9. Monthly Performance Snapshot & Reporting

    We offer an extensive library of research and reporting tools that range from Gross Profit by Month to Conversion Rates Since Inception . These reports can help you determine where you might want to improve and help manage future changes. When ...
  10. Editing Orders

    Once a customer places an order, you’ll be able to view it in the Order Contents area of your Control Panel. You are also able to edit or add additional items in this section, should you need to update an order. To edit existing contents, use the E...